Download Center | CyberPower (2024)

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Download Center | CyberPower (2024)


What is CyberPower used for? ›

CyberPower designs and manufactures a complete line of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems to meet the full spectrum of power protection needs from enterprise applications to home office and entertainment systems.

Does CyberPower PC have a software? ›

CyberPower offers free power management software with compatible Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems to monitor and control your UPS. Our software suites, PowerPanel® Personal, and PowerPanel® Business, support operating systems including Windows, Linux, macOS, and various Virtual Infrastructure platforms.

How to connect CyberPower UPS to PC? ›

Connect the serial/USB cable to the UPS unit and an open serial port on the back of the computer. You must use the cable that came with the unit.

What does CyberPower USB do? ›

USB Chargers from CyberPower charge and power an array of mobile devices and electronic equipment, including tablets, Smartphones, cameras, PDAs, MP3 players, and other accessories. They are available as car chargers, wall chargers, and power splitters.

How long will CyberPower last? ›

The battery lifespan depends on the ambient temperature and the cycle times of charging and discharging. Higher ambient temperature and frequent charging and discharging cycles will reduce the lifespan. Typically the battery lifetime is between one to three years depending on environment conditions.

Do CyberPower PCs come with antivirus software? ›

CyberPowerPC computers can ship with McAfee Security Center or McAfee LiveSafe, either as a 30-day trial version or subscriptions of up to 36 months. Registration of the product is part of the Windows first-time startup process for your PC.

How do I turn on CyberPower on my computer? ›

Plug the included power cord into the back of your computer, then plug it into the AC wall outlet. You need to make sure the switch on the PSU is in the ON position and then press the power button at the top/front of the PC to power your computer on.

How does software Center get installed? ›

Software Center is installed automatically on Windows devices that your IT organization manages. For the simplest method to start Software Center, go to Start and type Software Center . You may not need to type the entire string for Windows to find the best match.

How to activate software center? ›

Launching Software Center

To find the Software Center, click the Start button on the bottom left corner and search Software Center. It is highlighted in blue below. Launch Software Center by clicking on it.

What is a config manager? ›

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) is a Windows product that enables the management, deployment and security of devices and applications across an enterprise. Amongst other potential uses, administrators will commonly use SCCM for endpoint protection, patch management and software distribution.

What does CyberPower UPS do? ›

CyberPower designs and manufactures a complete line of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems to meet the full spectrum of power protection needs from enterprise applications to home office and entertainment systems. Award-winning Backup UPS is ideal for small business and home applications.

Is CyberPowerPC Wireless? ›

This CyberPowerPC desktop computer offers Wi-Fi (802.11ac) as well as a Gigabit Ethernet RJ-45 LAN jack so you'll be able to have fast wired or wireless internet access.

How do I get into CyberPower BIOS? ›

Press <Del> after the CyberPowerPC Logo or Motherboard Manufacturer's Logo appears. Once the BIOS Setup screen appears, navigate to the storage section.

What is a CyberPower box for? ›

Product Overview. The CyberPower SX950U uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system provides surge protection for lightning-induced surges and other power events that can damage electronic equipment.

What cases does CyberPower use? ›

CyberPowerPC uses a Phanteks Eclipse P200A mini-tower, which is one of our favorite airflow PC cases. Despite the small form factor, it can accommodate high-end components.

What does a CyberPower CyberShield do? ›

CyberShield UPSs are designed to provide a local power solution for cable telephony, wireless local loop (WLL), and fiber to the home (FTTH) broadband equipment. CAUTION! The battery can energize hazardous live parts inside even when the AC input power is disconnected. CAUTION!

What lights should be on on a CyberPower box? ›

If it is working properly and getting good power from a working outlet, the AC and Output lights should both be lit up green, and the others should be off. If it is working properly and getting good power from a working outlet, the System Status light should be lit up green, and the others should be off.

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Article information

Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

Last Updated:

Views: 6077

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.