Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (2024)

Table of Contents
cable acfe constant-eir-demand Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable acfe enable Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable acfe guar-bw-sync-period Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Examples Related Commands cable acfe max-bonus-bandwidth Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable acfe max-eir-ratio Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable admission-control Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable admission-control ds-bandwidth Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable admission-control event Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable admission-control max-reserved-bandwidth Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable admission-control preempt priority-voice Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples cable admission-control us-bandwidth Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable application-type include Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable application-type name Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable arp Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable arp filter Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable asf-qos-profile Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Examples cable attribute-mask Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable bgsync Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable bgsync active Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable bonding-group-id Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable bonding-group-secondary Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable cache-snmp active Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples cable channel-group Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Examples Related Commands cable clock clear-counters Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable clock dti Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable clock dti clear-counters Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable clock force Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable clock source-midplane Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable clock upgrade Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable cm-status Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable cm-status enable Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable cmc Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable cmc image_upgrade Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples cable cmcpe-list valid-time Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable cmts-id Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable config-file Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cable controller-profile Command Default Command Modes Command History Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands

cable acfe constant-eir-demand

To set the EIR demand(raw/scale) value for a bonding group, use cable acfe constant-eir-demand command in interface configuration mode.

cable acfe constant-eir-demand value

Syntax Description


Constant EIR demand value for a bonding group. The valid range is from 1 to 100.

Command Default

Command Modes

Interface configuration—cable interface only (config-if)

Wideband-interface profile configuration (config-profile-wb)

Command History



IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

ACFE uses the EIR demand value as weight to allocate bandwidth between bonding groups. The EIR demand value is calculated dynamically base on service flow priority, unless this command is configured.


The following example shows how to configure the EIR demand value for a bonding group:

Router(config-if)# cable acfe constant-eir-demand 11

Related Commands



cable acfe enable

Enables Fairness Across DOCSIS Interfaces feature on the CMTS routers.

debug cable dp acfe

Displays the debug information related to algorithm or interaction with the system.

cable acfe enable

To enable Fairness Across DOCSIS Interfaces feature on the integrated-cable (IC), modular-cable (MC), or wideband-cable (WB) interfaces, use the cable acfe enable command in global configuration mode. To disable Fairness Across DOCSIS Interfaces feature, use the no form of this command.

cable acfe enable

no cable acfe enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Fairness Across DOCSIS Interfaces feature is disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

Configure the Fairness Across DOCSIS Interfaces feature on the MC, IC, or WB interfaces.

It is recommended that you clear the CIR reservation above the legacy “reservable” bandwidth before disabling Fairness Across DOCSIS Interfaces feature. This is to prevent any CIR over-subscription after disabling Fairness Across DOCSIS Interfaces feature.


The following example shows how to enable Fairness Across DOCSIS Interfaces feature in cable interfaces.

Router(config)# cable acfe enable 

Related Commands



cable acfe period

Configures the interval for running the EIR rebalancing process.

show cable acfe summary

Displays Fairness Across DOCSIS Interfaces feature status and statistics.

debug cable acfe (for uBR series router)

Displays the debug information related to algorithm or interaction with the system.

debug cable dp acfe (for cBR series router)

Displays the debug information related to algorithm or interaction with the system.

cable acfe guar-bw-sync-period

Use the cable acfe guar-bw-sync-period configuration command to adjust bandwidth synchronisation period between active SUP and standby SUP. The default value is 40 seconds.

cable acfe guar-bw-sync-period

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The default value is 40 seconds.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



IOS XE Fuji 16.7.1

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to configure the ACFE to adjust bandwidth synchronisation period between active SUP and standby SUP

Router(config)# cable acfe guar-bw-sync-period 

Related Commands



cable acfe period

Configures the interval for running the EIR rebalancing process.

show cable acfe summary

Displays Fairness Across DOCSIS Interfaces feature status and statistics.

cable acfe max-bonus-bandwidth

To configure the maximum usable bonus bandwidth for a bonding group (BG), use the cable acfe max-bonus-bandwidth command in interface configuration mode. To revert to the default values, use the no form of this command.

cable acfe max-bonus-bandwidth bonus-bandwidth

no cable acfe max-bonus-bandwidth

Syntax Description


Maximum usable bonus bandwidth for a BG. There is no valid range, and the bonus bandwidth can use the entire bandwidth of an interface.

Command Default

The bonus bandwidth can use the entire bandwidth of an interface.

Command Modes

Interface configuration—cable interface only (config-if)

Wideband-interface profile configuration (config-profile-wb)

Command History




This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

The cable acfe max-bonus-bandwidth command configures the maximum usable bonus bandwidth. After disabling Fairness Across DOCSIS Interfaces feature, this configuration is retained. However, it will not be used.


The following example shows how to configure the maximum usable bonus bandwidth for a BG:

Router(config-if)# cable acfe max-bonus-bandwidth 1000000

Related Commands



cable acfe enable

Enables Fairness Across DOCSIS Interfaces feature on the CMTS routers.

debug cable dp acfe

Displays the debug information related to algorithm or interaction with the system.

cable acfe max-eir-ratio

To configure the maximum EIR ratio between the BE bandwidth among adjacent bonding groups (BGs), use the cable acfe max-eir-ratio command in global configuration mode. To return to the default values, use the no form of this command.

cable acfe max-eir-ratio eir-ratio

no cable acfe max-eir-ratio

Syntax Description


EIR rebalance ratio between two adjacent BGs. The valid range is from 1 to 100 with a default value of 10.

Command Default

The default value for EIR rebalance ratio is 10.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

The cable acfe max-eir-ratio command configures the maximum EIR ratio between the BE bandwidth among adjacent BGs.

The failure to maintain the maximum EIR ratio may reduce the guaranteed bandwidth rate for the BE traffic to zero. This may lead to rejection of unicast CIR flows.


The following example shows how to configure the EIR rebalance ratio between two adjacent BGs:

Router(config)# cable acfe max-eir-ratio 20

Related Commands



cable acfe enable

Enables Fairness Across DOCSIS Interfaces feature on the CMTS router.

debug cable acfe (for uBR series router)

Displays the debug information related to algorithm or interaction with the system.

debug cable dp acfe (for cBR series router)

Displays the debug information related to algorithm or interaction with the system.

cable admission-control

To configure the CPU and memory thresholds for a Cisco CMTS router supporting broadband processing engines (BPEs), use the cable admission-control command in global configuration mode. This command sets the CPU averaging method and memory thresholds. To remove thresholds from a Cisco CMTS router, use the no form of this command.

cable admission-control {cpu-5sec | cpu-avg} { [io-mem] | [proc-mem] | [total-memory]}minor num1 major num2 critical num3

no cable admission-control {cpu-5sec | cpu-avg} { [io-mem] | [proc-mem] | [total-memory]}minor num1 major num2 critical num3

Syntax Description


Sets Admission Control thresholds on the Cisco CMTS based on a five-second average for the CPU. This setting must be combined with the additional minor , major , and critical threshold percentage values.


Sets Admission Control thresholds on the Cisco CMTS based on a one-minute average for the CPU. This setting must be combined with the additional minor , major , and critical threshold percentage values.


Sets Admission Control thresholds for input/output (IO) memory on the Cisco CMTS route processors and BPE processors.


Sets Admission Control thresholds according to CPU processor memory on the Cisco CMTS.


Sets Admission Control thresholds on the Cisco CMTS according to total-memory allocation.

minor num1

Sets the minor threshold level for the CPU or memory resource to be configured. Num1 expresses a percentage and must be an integer between 1 and 100.

major num2

Sets the major threshold level for the CPU or memory resource to be configured. Num2 expresses a percentage and must be an integer between 1 and 100.

critical num3

Sets the critical threshold level for the CPU or memory resource to be configured. Num3 expresses a percentage and must be an integer between 1 and 100.

Command Default

Admission control is disabled with no CPU or memory resource threshold settings on the Cisco CMTS router.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced on the Cisco uBR10012 router and the Cisco uBR7246VXR router, with supporting broadband processing engines (BPEs) or cable interface line cards on the respective routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA. Support for the Cisco uBR7225VXR router was added.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

The threshold counters are set to zero when the resource is reconfigured.

An important concept for system resources that are set with this command (CPU and memory) is the concept of dampening . Without dampening, and when admission control is configured for the first time, the system resource check is unsuccessful if the current value exceeds the critical threshold. When this happens, the system resource check subsequently succeeds only if the current value drops below the major threshold.

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (1)


When the minor threshold value set with Num1 or a major threshold value set with Num2 is crossed, the Cisco CMTS router sends an alarm (SNMP trap, when supported). When the critical threshold value set with Num3 is crossed, the Cisco CMTS router drops the call request.

This dampening approach helps prevent significant fluctuations in the outcome of resource checks. For example, if the critical threshold were 80 percent and the current values fluctuated between 79 and 81 percent, this scenario would lead to an alternate success then failure event without dampening. The first check would succeed, the second check would fail, and so forth.

For additional Admission Control feature information, refer to the Admission Control for the Cisco Cable Modem Termination System document on


The following example configures the Cisco CMTS router with a Quality of Service (QoS) policy that includes admission control dampening. This example illustrates the following conditions:

  • When the cpu-avg exceeds 60%, a minor alarm (SNMP trap, when supported) is sent.
  • When the cpu-avg exceeds 70%, a major alarm (SNMP trap, when supported) is sent.
  • When the cpu-avg exceeds 80%, the incoming call request is rejected, and additional calls are not accepted until after the cpu-avg returns to below 60% (the minor alarm level).
Router(config)# cable admission-control cpu-avg minor 60 major 70 critical 80

Related Commands



cable admission-control event

Configures and enables admission control event types on the Cisco CMTS router.

cable admission-control ds-bandwidth

Configures admission control downstream bandwidth thresholds on the Cisco CMTS router.

cable admission-control us-bandwidth

Configures admission control upstream bandwidth thresholds on the Cisco CMTS router.

clear cable admission control counters

Clears all admission control resource counters on the Cisco CMTS router.

debug cable admission-control

Enables automatic admission control troubleshooting processes on the Cisco CMTS router.

show cable admission-control

Displays the current admission control configuration and status on the Cisco CMTS router, or on a specified interface.

cable admission-control ds-bandwidth

To set the minor, major, and exclusive thresholds for downstream voice or data bandwidth for all interfaces on a Cisco CMTS router, use the cable admission-control ds-bandwidth command in global configuration mode or interface configuration mode. To remove this setting from a Cisco CMTS router or from a specified interface, use the no form of this command.

cable admission-control ds-bandwidth traffic-type minor minor-threshold major major-threshold exclusive exclusive-percentage non-exclusive non-exclusive-percentage

no cable admission-control ds-bandwidth traffic-type minor minor-threshold major major-threshold exclusive exclusive-percentage non-exclusive non-exclusive-percentage

Syntax Description


Sets downstream throughput thresholds.


Either of the following keywords sets the traffic type for which Admission Control applies. Both settings can be applied to the Cisco CMTS.

  • voice —Applies thresholds to downstream voice traffic.
  • data —Applies thresholds to downstream data traffic.

minor minor-threshold

Sets the minor alarm threshold. The minor-threshold value is a percentage value from 1 to 100.

major major-threshold

Sets the major alarm threshold. The major-threshold value is a percentage value from 1 to 100.

exclusive exclusive-percentage

Specifies the percentage of throughput reserved exclusively for this class (voice or data). The exclusive-percentage value is an integer between 1 and 100. No other class can use this throughput.

non-exclusive non-exclusive-percentage

Specifies the percentage of throughput, over and above the exclusive share, that can be used by this class. The non-exclusive-percentage value is an integer between 1 and 100. Because this throughput is non-exclusive, it can be used by other classes as specified.

Command Default

Admission control is disabled on the Cisco CMTS router.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History




This command was introduced on the Cisco uBR10012 and the Cisco uBR7246VXR router.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA. Support for the Cisco uBR7225VXR router was added.


This command was modified to run on modular cable and integrated cable interfaces.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

Downstream bandwidth settings support all interfaces on the Cisco CMTS router through global configuration.

Downstream bandwidth settings can be further refined per-interface or per-upstream, the latter of which provides optimal downstream Admission Control granularity on the Cisco CMTS router.

When interface-level downstream configuration is used in combination with global configuration, then the interface configuration supersedes global configuration.

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (2)


The critical keyword is not present for the upstream throughput resource management with the Cisco Service Flow Admission Control feature.
Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (3)


The minor threshold level cannot be greater than the major threshold level.


The following example configures downstream bandwidth in the global configuration mode, with 30% of downstream bandwidth reserved exclusively for voice traffic. Minor and major alarms for voice traffic are also set to be generated at 15% and 25% respectively.

Router(config)# cable admission-control ds-bandwidth voice minor 15 major 25 exclusive 30 

Related Commands



cable admission-control

Configures the CPU and memory thresholds for the Cisco CMTS router and supporting broadband processing engines (BPEs).

cable admission-control event

Configures and enables admission control event types on the Cisco CMTS router.

cable admission-control max-reserved-bandwidth

Defines the maximum reserved bandwidth per bonding group for all service flows that are allowed by the Cisco CMTS.

cable admission-control us-bandwidth

Configures admission control upstream bandwidth thresholds on the Cisco CMTS router.

clear cable admission control counters

Clears all admission control resource counters on the Cisco CMTS router.

debug cable admission-control

Enables automatic admission control troubleshooting processes on the Cisco CMTS router.

show cable admission-control

Displays the current admission control configuration and status on the Cisco CMTS router or on a specified interface.

cable admission-control event

To configure admission control event types on a Cisco CMTS router, and to enable admission control for all previously configured resources on a Cisco CMTS router, use the cable admission-control event command in global configuration mode. To disable admission control event types on a Cisco CMTS router, use the no form of this command.

cable admission-control event {cm-registration | dynamic-service}

no cable admission-control event event_type

Syntax Description


Performs admission control checks when a cable modem registers with the Cisco CMTS router headend. This setting can be combined with the dynamic-service setting, in which cable modems are allowed to register but remain subject to a Quality of Service (QoS) policy on the Cisco CMTS.


Performs admission control checks each time a voice call is made, and rejects voice calls if they would impede QoS policies on the Cisco CMTS router. This setting can be combined with the cm-registration setting.

Command Default

Admission control event types are not defined on the Cisco CMTS router.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced for the Cisco uBR10012 router and the Cisco uBR7246VXR router.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA. Support for the Cisco uBR7225VXR router was added.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

At least one event type must be configured to enable admission control on the Cisco CMTS router.

For additional Admission Control feature information, refer to the Admission Control for the Cisco Cable Modem Termination System document on


The following example configures each available option for the cable admission-control event command on the Cisco CMTS router.

Router(config)# cable admission-control event cm-registrationRouter(config)# cable admission-control dynamic-service

Related Commands



cable admission-control

Configures the CPU and memory thresholds for a Cisco CMTS router and supporting broadband processing engines (BPEs).

cable admission-control ds-bandwidth

Configures admission control downstream bandwidth thresholds on a Cisco CMTS router.

cable admission-control us-bandwidth

Configures admission control upstream bandwidth thresholds on a Cisco CMTS router.

clear cable admission control counters

Clears all admission control resource counters on a Cisco CMTS router.

debug cable admission-control

Enables automatic admission control troubleshooting processes on a Cisco CMTS router.

show cable admission-control

Displays the current admission control configuration and status on a Cisco CMTS router, or on a specified interface.

cable admission-control max-reserved-bandwidth

To define the maximum reserved bandwidth per bonding group for all service flows that are allowed by the Cisco CMTS, use the cable admission-control max-reserved-bandwidth command in the interface configuration mode. To reset or disable the maximum reserved bandwidth value, use the no form of this command.

cable admission-control max-reserved-bandwidth bw-in-kbps

no cable admission-control max-reserved-bandwidth

Syntax Description


Maximum admission control reserved bandwidth. The value is in kbps and is based on the RF bandwidth percent defined for the bonding group. Valid range is from 0 to 14762.

Command Default

The max-reserved-bandwidth value is 80 percent of the aggregate bandwidth of the RF channels configured in the US or DS bonding group.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

This command allows the user to define the maximum reserved bandwidth per bonding group. The default maximum reserved bandwidth value is 80 percent. However the user can choose to configure a higher (up to 96 percent) or lower reserved bandwidth so that there is bandwidth allocated for zero committed information rate (CIR) best effort traffic.


The following example shows a sample definition of the maximum reserved bandwidth value.

Router> enableRouter# configure terminalRouter(config)# interface c5/0/1Router(config-if)# cable admission-control max-reserved-bandwidth 6344

Related Commands



cable admission-control

Configures the CPU and memory thresholds for the Cisco CMTS router and supporting broadband processing engines (BPEs).

cable admission-control event

Configures and enables admission control event types on the Cisco CMTS router.

cable admission-control ds-bandwidth

Configures admission control downstream bandwidth thresholds on the Cisco CMTS router.

cable admission-control us-bandwidth

Configures admission control upstream bandwidth thresholds on the Cisco CMTS router.

debug cable admission-control

Enables automatic admission control troubleshooting processes on the Cisco CMTS router.

show cable admission-control

Displays the current admission control configuration and status on the Cisco CMTS router or on a specified interface.

cable admission-control preempt priority-voice

To change the default PacketCable emergency 911 call preemption functions on a Cisco CMTS router to support throughput and bandwidth requirements for emergency 911 calls above all other buckets on the Cisco CMTS router, use the cable admission-control preempt priority-voice command in global configuration mode. To disable preemption and return the bucket that supports PacketCable emergency 911 calls to its default configuration, use the no form of this command.

cable admission-control preempt priority-voice

no cable admission-control preempt priority-voice

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Emergency 911 call preemption and service flow admission control is enabled on the Cisco CMTS router.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced for the Cisco uBR10012 router and the Cisco uBR7246VXR router.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA. Support for the Cisco uBR7225VXR router was added.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

By default, PacketCable Emergency 911 calls are given priority on the Cisco CMTS. This priority may be preempted or removed from the Cisco CMTS router with non-standard configuration of the Service Flow Admission Control feature.

For additional information for Service Flow Admission Control beginning in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(21)BC, refer to the Service Flow Admission Control for the Cisco Cable Modem Termination System document on


The following example disables and then restores emergency 911 call preemption on the Cisco CMTS router.

Router(config)# no cable admission-control preempt priority-voiceRouter(config)# cable admission-control preempt priority-voice

cable admission-control us-bandwidth

To configure upstream bandwidth thresholds for admission control on a Cisco CMTS router, use the cable upstream admission-control us-bandwidth command in global configuration or interface configuration mode. To disable or to remove this configuration from a Cisco CMTS router or the specified port, use the no form of this command.

cable admission-control us-bandwidth [sched scheduling-type | service service-class-name] minor minor-threshold major major-threshold exclusive exclusive-percentage non-exclusive non-exclusive-percentage

no cable admission-control us bandwidth [sched scheduling-type | service service-class-name] minor minor-threshold major major-threshold exclusive exclusive-percentage non-exclusive non-exclusive-percentage

Syntax Description


Upstream on the router interface.


Configures the upstream throughput thresholds.

sched scheduling-type

(Optional) Specifies the scheduling type for a traffic class, where scheduling-type is one of the following values:

  • BE —Selects best effort traffic.
  • NRTPS —Selects non-real-time polling service.
  • RTPS —Selects real time polling service.
  • UGS-AD —Selects UGS-AD service.
  • UGS —Selects UGS service.

service service-class-name

(Optional) Displays a string representing a previously defined service class. Instead of specifying a class by a scheduling type, this keyword can be used to specify a class using the service-class-name .

minor minor-threshold

Sets the minor alarm threshold in a percentage value between 1 and 100.

major major-threshold

Sets the major alarm threshold in a percentage value between 1 and 100.

exclusive exclusive-percentage

Represents the critical threshold for the upstream throughput resource in a percentage value between 1 and 100. Specifies the percentage of throughput reserved exclusively for this class.

non-exclusive non-exclusive-percentage

Specifies the percentage of throughput, over and above the exclusive share, that can be used by this class. The non-exclusive-percentage value is an integer between 1 and 100. Because this throughput is non-exclusive, it can be used by other classes as specified.

Command Default

Admission control is disabled by default on a Cisco CMTS router.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History




This command was introduced on the Cisco uBR10012 and the Cisco uBR7246VXR routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA. Support for the Cisco uBR7225VXR router was added.


This command was modified to run on modular cable and integrated cable interfaces.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

Upstream bandwidth settings support all interfaces on a Cisco CMTS router through global configuration.

Upstream bandwidth settings can be further refined on a per-interface or per-upstream basis using interface configuration mode. Per-upstream settings provide the optimal upstream admission control granularity on the Cisco CMTS router.

When interface or per-upstream configuration is used in combination with global configuration, then interface or per-upstream configuration supersedes global configuration. Per-upstream configuration also supersedes per-interface configuration.

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (4)


The critical keyword is not present for the upstream throughput resource management with Cisco Admission Control.
Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (5)


The minor threshold level cannot be greater than the major threshold level.


For additional Admission Control feature information and examples, refer to the Admission Control for the Cisco Cable Modem Termination System document on

Related Commands



cable admission-control

Configures the CPU and memory thresholds for the Cisco CMTS router and supporting broadband processing engines (BPEs).

cable admission-control event

Configures and enables admission control event types on the Cisco CMTS router.

cable admission-control ds-bandwidth

Configures admission control downstream bandwidth thresholds on the Cisco CMTS router.

cable admission-control max-reserved-bandwidth

Defines the maximum reserved bandwidth per bonding group for all service flows that are allowed by the Cisco CMTS.

clear cable admission control counters

Clears all admission control resource counters on the Cisco CMTS router.

debug cable admission-control

Enables automatic admission control troubleshooting processes on the Cisco CMTS router.

show cable admission-control

Displays the current admission control configuration and status on the Cisco CMTS router or on a specified interface.

cable application-type include

To associate an application type with a specific and prioritized bucket on a Cisco CMTS router, use the cable application-type include command in global configuration mode. To remove the application type settings, use the no form of this command.

cable application-type bucket-number include {Best-effort | multicast application-id | packetcable {normal | priority} | pcmm {app-id gate-app-id | priority gate-priority} | sched-type type | service-class service-class-name}

no cable application-type bucket-number include {Best-effort | multicast application-id | packetcable {normal | priority} | pcmm {app-id gate-app-id | priority gate-priority} | sched-type type | service-class service-class-name}

Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers

cable application-type bucket-number include {Best-effort | multicast application-id | packetcable {normal | priority} | pcmm {app-id gate-app-id | priority gate-priority} | service-class service-class-name}

no cable application-type bucket-number include {Best-effort | multicast application-id | packetcable {normal | priority} | pcmm {app-id gate-app-id | priority gate-priority} | service-class service-class-name}

Syntax Description


Bucket number to which an application type is associated. Range is from 1 to 8, with 1 as the first in the sequence.


Applies best effort committed information rate (CIR) to the specified bucket.

multicast application-id

Specifies the application identification for the multicast service flow. The valid range is 1 to 65535.

packetcable {normal | priority }

Specifies PacketCable service flows for the designated bucket, with the following priorities:

  • normal —Selects PacketCable calls with normal priority.
  • priority —Selects PacketCable calls with high priority.

pcmm {app-id gate-app-id | priority gate-priority }

Specifies PacketCable Multimedia (PCMM) service flows for the designated bucket, with the following options:

  • app-id gate-app-id— Selects the gate application identifier from 0 to 65535. For each bucket, up to ten application type rules may be defined.
  • priority gate-priority— Selects the priority level from 0 to 7.

sched-type type

Specifies upstream scheduling types, with one of the following additional keywords used for the DOCSIS scheduling type:

  • be —Best effort.
  • nrtps —Non-real-time polling service.
  • rtps —Real-time polling service.
  • ugs —Unsolicited Grant Service.
  • ugs-ad —Unsolicited grant service-activity detection (UGS-AD) service.

service-class service-class-name

Specifies the name of the service class being assigned to the designated bucket, where service-class-name is an alphanumeric string.

Command Default

Service flow admission control is enabled without the application types.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced for the Cisco uBR10012 router and the Cisco uBR7246VXR router.


This command was introduced in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA. Support for the Cisco uBR7225VXR router was added. The multicast keyword was added to this command.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

IOS-XE 3.16.0S

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers. The sched-type keyword was removed.

Usage Guidelines

The details of this command vary according to the bucket number and application type being mapped to a service flow on the Cisco CMTS router. This command overrides default service flow admission control settings on the Cisco CMTS.

Best Effort

The best effort CIR service flow rule may be applicable to both upstream and downstream. However, in the case of upstream service flows, in most cases, the same service flow may map both the rules.

For best effort, there is also the sched-type keyword option that applies to upstream service flows. This best effort scheduling type rule is applicable only for upstream service flows.

Service Classes

DOCSIS 1.1 introduced the concept of service classes. A service class is identified by a service class name. A service class name is a string the CMTS router associates with a QoS parameter set. One of the objectives of using a service class is to allow the high-level protocols to create the service flows with the desired QoS parameter set. Using a service class is a convenient way to bind the application with the service flows. The rules provide a mechanism to implement such binding.

Note the following factors when using the service-class keyword:

  • Service classes are separately configured using the cable match command to provide the QoS for multicast traffic. This step maps a bucket using a rule to allocate bandwidth for multicast traffic.
  • A named service class may be classified into any application type.
  • Up to ten service class names may be configured per application type. Attempting to configure more than ten service classes results in an error message.

For additional information, see the Service Flow Admission Control feature documentation on


The following example maps high-priority PacketCable service flows into application bucket 5:

Router(config)# cable application-type 5 include packetcable priority

The following example maps normal PacketCable service flows into application bucket 1:

Router(config)# cable application-type 1 include packetcable normal

The following example maps the specified bucket number with PCMM service flow with a priority of 7, then maps an application identifier of 152 for the same bucket number:

Router(config)# cable application-type 2 include pcmm priority 7 Router(config)# cable application-type 2 include pcmm app-id 152

The following example maps both UGS and UGS-AD into bucket number 1:

Router(config)# cable application-type 1 include sched-type ugs Router(config)# cable application-type 1 include sched-type ugs-ad

The following example maps the best effort CIR flows to bucket 3:

Router(config)# cable application-type 3 include Best-effort

The following example maps the service class name with a value of service-name1 into application bucket 3:

Router(config)# cable application-type 3 include service-class service-name1

The following example maps the multicast application type with a value of 18 into application bucket 3:

Router(config)# cable application-type 3 include multicast 18

Related Commands



cable admission-control ds-bandwidth

Sets the minor, major, and exclusive thresholds for downstream voice or data bandwidth for all interfaces on the Cisco CMTS router.

cable admission-control preempt priority-voice

Changes the default PacketCable emergency 911 call preemption functions on the Cisco CMTS router to support throughput and bandwidth requirements for emergency 911 calls above all other buckets on the Cisco CMTS router.

cable admission-control us-bandwidth

Configures upstream bandwidth thresholds for admission control on the Cisco CMTS router.

cable application-type name

Assigns an alphanumeric name for the specified bucket.

cable upstream admission-control

Configures per-upstream bandwidth thresholds and exclusive or non-exclusive resources on the Cisco CMTS router.

debug cable admission-control flow-categorization

Displays service flow categorization results, enabled when a service flow is classified.

show application-buckets

Displays rules for any or all buckets supporting service flow admission control on the Cisco CMTS router.

show interface cable admission-control reservation

Displays service flows, categorizations, and bandwidth consumption on the Cisco CMTS router, for the specified interface, and the specified service flow direction.

cable application-type name

To assign an alphanumeric name for the specified bucket, use the cable application-type name command in global configuration mode. To remove this configuration, use the no form of this command.

cable application-type bucket-number name bucket-name

no cable application-type bucket-number name bucket-name

Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers

cable application-type bucket-number name bucket-name

no cable application-type bucket-number name bucket-name

Syntax Description


Bucket number to which the name is applied. The priority sequence of the buckets, according to their original numeration of 1 to 8, still applies, whether the default bucket numbers or customized alphanumeric names are used.


Alphanumeric bucket name.

Command Default

Service flow admission control and the default configuration of this command is enabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced for the Cisco uBR10012 router and the Cisco uBR7246VXR router.


This command was introduced in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA. Support for the Cisco uBR7225VXR router was added.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

IOS-XE 3.16.OS

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

This bucket name appears in supporting show and debug commands along with the default bucket number.

For additional information, see the Service Flow Admission Control feature documentation on


The following example illustrates the use of descriptive names for the associated buckets:

Router(config)# cable application-type 2 name video Router(config)# cable application-type 3 name gaming 

Related Commands



cable admission-control ds-bandwidth

Sets minor, major and exclusive thresholds for downstream voice or data bandwidth for each or all interfaces on the Cisco CMTS

cable admission-control preempt priority-voice

Changes the default PacketCable Emergency 911 call preemption functions on the Cisco CMTS, supporting throughput and bandwidth requirements for Emergency 911 calls above all other buckets on the Cisco CMTS.

cable admission-control us-bandwidth

Configures global or interface-level upstream bandwidth thresholds and exclusive or non-exclusive resources on the Cisco CMTS.

cable application-type include

Associates an application type with a specific and prioritized bucket on the Cisco CMTS.

cable upstream admission-control

Configures per-upstream bandwidth thresholds and exclusive or non-exclusive resources on the Cisco CMTS.

debug cable admission-control flow-categorization

Displays service flow categorization results, enabled when a service flow is classified.

show application-buckets

Displays rules for any or all buckets supporting Service Flow Admission Control on the Cisco CMTS.

show interface cable admission-control reservation

Displays service flows, categorizations, and bandwidth consumption on the Cisco CMTS, for the specified interface, and the specified service flow direction.

cable arp

To activate cable Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), use the cable arp command in cable interface or subinterface configuration mode. To block ARP requests for cable modems (CMs), use the no form of this command.

cable arp

no cable arp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

ARP is enabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Subinterface configuration (config-subif)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was supported.

12.1(2) EC1

This command was supported.


Subinterface support was added.


Interaction with the clear arp-cache command was changed. Previously, the clear arp-cache command sent an ARP request to a CM before clearing its ARP entry. Now, the clear arp-cache command clears the ARP entry without communicating with the CM. The CM (or its CPE devices) must send one or more IP packets to the CMTS before IP communications can be restored (assuming the CM or CPE devices are authorized to connect to the network).


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA. Support for the Cisco uBR7225VXR router was added.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers. This command is integrated into bundle interface configuration mode.

Usage Guidelines

ARP is an Internet protocol used to map IP addresses to MAC addresses on computers and other equipment installed in a network. You must activate ARP requests so that the Cisco CMTS router can perform IP address resolution on the downstream path.

Occasionally, you might want to use the no cable arp and clear arp-cache commands to block out new ARP requests and clear the existing ARP table. In this situation, the Cisco CMTS router will retain the ARP addresses of currently online CMs (CMs with a known IP address) and will continue to send ARP requests for those CMs when those ARP entries time out or are cleared, so that those CMs can continue to remain online. ARP requests for CMs that are currently offline and for any other unknown IP addresses, however, will remain blocked until ARP requests are reenabled on the downstream using the cable arp command.

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (6)


Using the no cable arp and no cable proxy-arp commands shifts all responsibility for the management of the IP addresses used by CMs and CPE devices to the DHCP server and provisioning system.
Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (7)


You can expect to see a temporary spike in CPU usage after initially giving the no cable arp command, because of the need to verify CPE IP addresses. CPU usage drops after the router has verified and learned all of the CPE IP addresses that are currently online. (This same situation occurs after initially enabling the cable source-verify dhcp command, because the router must send a DHCP LEASEQUERY request for every unknown CPE IP address.)

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (8)


Starting from IOX-XE 3.15 OS, this command is integrated into bundle interface configuration mode for cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.


The following example shows how to activate cable ARP requests for port 0 on the cable interface line card installed in slot 6 of a Cisco CMTS router:

router(config)# interface cable 6/0 router(config-if)# cable arp

The following example shows how to activate cable ARP requests for port 0 on the cable interface line card installed in slot 6, subinterface 1, of a Cisco CMTS router:

router(config)# interface cable 6/0.1 router(config-subif)# cable arp 

The following example shows how to activate cable ARP requests on the bundle interface line card on Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers:

router(config)# interface bundle 1router(config-if)# cable arp

Related Commands



clear arp-cache

Clears the ARP table on the router.

cable proxy-arp

Activates cable proxy ARP on the cable interface.

cable arp filter

To control the number of Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) packets that are allowable for each Service ID (SID) on a cable interface, use the cable arp filter command in cable interface configuration mode. To stop the filtering of ARP broadcasts for CMs, use the no form of this command.

cable arp filter {reply-accept | request-send} number window-size

no cable arp filter {reply-accept | request-send}

default cable arp filter {reply-accept | request-send}

Syntax Description


Configures the cable interface to accept only the specified number of ARP reply packets every window-size seconds for each active Service ID (SID) on that interface. The cable interface drops ARP reply packets for a SID that would exceed this number.


Configures the cable interface to send only the specified number of ARP request packets every window-size seconds for each active SID on that interface. The cable interface drops ARP requests for a SID that would exceed this number.


Number of ARP reply packets that is allowed for each SID within the window time period. The allowable range is 0 to 20 packets, with a default of 4 packets. If number is 0, the cable interface drops all ARP reply packets.


Size of the window time period, in seconds, in which to monitor ARP requests. The valid range is 1 to 5 seconds, with a default of 2 seconds.

Command Default

ARP packets are not filtered, which means the Cisco CMTS router accepts all ARP reply packets and sends all ARP request packets.

Command Modes

Cable interface configuration (config-if)

Command History




This command was introduced for the Cisco uBR7246VXR and Cisco uBR10012 universal broadband routers.


The values of number and window-size are optional for the the respective reply-accept and request-send settings. In this release and for earlier supporting releases, when ARP filtering is enabled, the default values for number and window-size are 4 and 2 respectively.


In this release and for later releases, when ARP filtering is enabled, the default values for number and window-size are 3 and 2 respectively.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA. Support for the Cisco uBR7225VXR router was added.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers. This command is integrated into bundle interface configuration mode.

Usage Guidelines

Viruses, worms, and theft-of-service attacks can generate a large volume of ARP requests on a cable interface. In some situations, the volume of ARP traffic can become so large that it throttles all other traffic.

To control the number of ARP replies and ARP requests that are allowed for each SID on a cable interface, use the cable arp filter command. This command configures the interface so that it accepts only a certain number of ARP reply or request packets per a specified time period. If a SID generates more ARP packets than what is allowed, the cable interface drops the excessive traffic.

By default, no ARP filtering is done. ARP filtering is enabled on individual cable interfaces, and you can choose to filter ARP packets only on the specific cable interfaces that require it. You can further choose to filter only ARP request packets, only ARP reply packets, or both. You can configure different threshold values on each interface, allowing you to customize the feature for each interface’s traffic patterns.

If using bundled cable interfaces, the Cable ARP Filtering feature is configured separately on the primary and subordinate interfaces. This allows you to configure the feature only on the particular interfaces that require it.

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (9)


Cisco IOS Release 12.3(9a)BC introduces enhanced command option syntax for the cable arp filter command, where number and window-size values are optional for reply-accept and request-send settings.
Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (10)


Disabling the cable ARP filtering feature, using the no cable arp filter command, does not reset the ARP packet counters. The ARP packet counters do not increment when cable ARP filtering is disabled, but the counters retain their current values until the interface counters are specifically cleared, using the clear counters command.

The Linksys Wireless-B Broadband Router BEFW11S4 version 4 with 1.44.2 firmware incorrectly sends its own ARP reply packet for every ARP request packet it receives, instead of replying only to the ARP requests that are specifically for itself. Customers with these routers should upgrade the firmware to the latest revision to fix this bug. To upgrade the firmware, go to the download section on the Linksys web site.

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (11)


Starting from IOX-XE 3.15 OS, this command is integrated into bundle interface configuration mode for cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.


The following example shows how to filter cable ARP reply packets, so that the cable interface accepts a maximum of 15 ARP replies every three seconds per SID:

Router(config)# interface cable 5/1/0 Router(config-if)# cable arp filter reply-accept 15 3

The following example shows how to filter cable ARP request packets, so that the cable interface sends a maximum of 10 requests per second per SID:

Router(config)# interface cable 6/0 Router(config-if)# cable arp filter request-send 10 1

The following example shows how to enable the filtering of cable ARP request and reply packets on a cable interface, using the default values of 4 packets per CPE per every 2 seconds:

Router(config)# interface cable 3/0 Router(config-if)# default cable arp filter reply-accept Router(config-if)# default cable arp filter request-send Router(config-if)# end Router# show running-config | include filter cable arp filter reply-accept 4 2 cable arp filter request-send 4 2 

The following example shows how to disable the filtering of cable ARP request and reply packets on a cable interface:

Router(config)# interface cable 1/0 Router(config-if)# no cable arp filter reply-accept Router(config-if)# no cable arp filter request-send 
The following example shows how to filter cable ARP reply packets, so that the bundle interface accepts a maximum of 15 ARP replies every three seconds per SID on Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers:
Router(config)# interface bundle 1 Router(config-if)# cable arp filter reply-accept 15 3

The following example shows how to filter cable ARP request packets, so that the bundle interface sends a maximum of 10 requests per second per SID on Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers:

Router(config)# interface bundle 1 Router(config-if)# cable arp filter request-send 10 1

Related Commands



cable arp

Activates cable ARP.

cable proxy-arp

Activates cable proxy ARP on the cable interface.

clear arp-cache

Refreshes dynamically created entries from the ARP cache.

clear counters

Clears the packet counters on all interfaces or on a specific interface.

debug cable arp filter

Displays debugging messages about the filtering of ARP broadcasts.

show cable arp-filter

Displays the total number of ARP replies and requests that have been sent and received, including the number of requests that have been filtered.

cable asf-qos-profile

This feature introduces LLD support for cBR-8 routers. LLD capable D31 modems can establish a bidirectional ASF with two associated static service flows (sent from modem in individual TLVs). You can evaluate different downstream classification approaches to have gaming traffic over one SF and BE traffic over the other SF. Low Latency ASF can be configured via TLVs, Service Classes and/or ASF QoS Profiles (AQPs).

Use the cable asf-qos-profile command to configure an ASF QoS Profiles (AQPs) in global configuration mode.

cable asf-qos-profile profile-name [ ds | us ] { aqm-coupling value | classic-sf-scn string | ll-classifiers hex-data | ll-sf-scn string | max-burst | max-rate value | peak-rate value | priority value | qp-drain-rate-exp value | qp-enable value | qp-latency-threshold value | qp-score-threshold value | scheduling-weight value }

Syntax Description


Name of the ASF QoS profile


Downstream ASF.


Upstream ASF.

aqm-coupling value

AQM Coupling Factor. The range is 0-255.


Classic SF SCN string.


Low Latency SF Classifiers. Enter Hex-data value (Classifier TLV hexbytes).


The Ascii string identifier for this Service Class.


Low Latency ASF. Enter 1 to enable and 0 to disable.


Max Tx Burst. The supported range is 1522-4294967295.


Max Rate (bps). The supported range is 0-4294967295.


Min Packet Size for Reserved Rate. The supported range is 0-65535.


Min Resv Rate (bps). The supported range is 0-4294967295.


Peak Rate within maximum traffic burst (bps). The supported range is 0-4294967295.


Priority.The supported range is 0-7.


Queue Protection Drain Rate Exponent. The supported range is 0-255.


Queue Protection. Enter 1 to enable and 0 to disable.


Queue Protection Latency Threshold. The supported range is 0-65535.


Queue Protection Score Threshold. The supported range is 0-65535.


Scheduling Weight (ratio out of 256). The supported range is 0-255.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.9.1x

This command is introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.


The following example shows how to configure an asf-qos-profile:

Router# configure terminalRouter(config)# cable asf-qos-profile profile1 ds



show cable asf-qos-profile

Display Cable AQP Table.

cable attribute-mask

To configure an attribute for a modular cable interface, use the cable attribute-mask command in interface configuration mode or MAC domain profile configuration mode. To disable this configuration, use the no form of this command.

cable attribute-mask mask

no cable attribute-mask mask

Syntax Description


Specifies the mask value for the interface.

Command Default

If this command is not used, the default attribute will be used for the modular cable interface. The default attribute for a modular cable interface is zero.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

MAC domain profile configuration (config-profile-md)

Command History




This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

IOS XE Fuji 16.7.1

This command was modified to support MAC domain profile configuration on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

The attribute mask comprises 32 attributes and each attribute represents a single bit in the mask. You can configure a provisioned attribute mask for each channel and provisioned bonding group to assign values to the operator-defined binary attributes, or to override the default values of the specification-defined attributes. The operator may configure, in the CM configuration file, a required attribute mask and a forbidden attribute mask for a service flow. Additionally, in a CM-initiated dynamic service request, the CM can include a required attribute mask and a forbidden attribute mask for a service flow.


The following example shows how to configure an attribute for a modular cable interface:

Router# configure terminalRouter(config)# interface modular-cable 1/0/0:0Router(config-if)# cable attribute-mask 2000ff00
The following example shows how to configure an attribute for a Integrated cable interface:
Router# configure terminal Router(config)# interface Integrated-Cable 9/0/3:0Router(config-if)# cable attribute-mask 2000ff00 

Related Commands



interface modular-cable

Specifies a modular cable interface.

cable downstream attribute-mask

Specifies an attribute mask value for a wideband cable interface.

interface wideband-cable

Specifies a wideband cable interface.

cable bgsync

To set the data intervals for the background synchronization of SNMP MIB data on the Cisco CMTS, use the cable bgsync command in global configuration mode. To disable background synchronization, use the no form of this command.

cable bgsync {itime i-interval | ptime p-interval | delay seconds}

no cable bgsync

Syntax Description


Indicates the data interval time between two interval synchronizations.


Indicates the incremental data interval time between two synchronizations.


Length of the data interval in seconds. The valid range is from 5 to 31536000. The default value is 86400.


Length of the incremental data interval in seconds. The valid range is from 5 to 86400. The default value is 5.

delay seconds

Indicates the delay time (in seconds) by which the first i packet (synchronization packet) is sent after SUP switchover. The valid range is from 0 to 31536000. The default value is 0.

Command Default

This command is enabled by default.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

IOS-XE 3.18.0S

This command is implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.7.3

This command is update to include delay keyword.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (12)


To use the cable bgsync command, you must configure the service internal command in global configuration mode. Use the cable bgsync command carefully as it can impact the CPU utilization.

For more information about MIB objects that are synchronized during background synchronization, see the Cisco CMTS Universal Broadband Router Series MIB Specifications Guide 12.2SC.


The following example shows how to set the data intervals for background synchronization on the Cisco CMTS:

Router# configure terminalRouter(config)# service internalRouter(config)# cable bgsync itime 3600Router(config)# cable bgsync ptime 6Router(config)# cable bgsync delay 300Router(config)#

Related Commands



cable bgsync active

Activates background synchronization process on the Cisco CMTS.

clear cable bgsync counters

Clears the background synchronization counters on the Cisco CMTS.

show cable bgsync

Displays the information on the background synchronization process on the Cisco CMTS.

cable bgsync active

To activate the background synchronization process on the Cisco CMTS, use the cable bgsync active command in global configuration mode. To deactivate the background synchronization process, use the no form of this command.

cable bgsync active

no cable bgsync active

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command is enabled by default.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

IOS-XE 3.18.0S

This command is implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

Use the cable bgsync active command to activate the background synchronization process.

In Cisco uBR10012 and Cisco 7200 Series routers, SNMP objects use interprocess communication (IPC) to access data between the line card and the route processor (RP). When SNMP queries are sent to a Cisco CMTS with large number of modems configured, IPC takes a long time to retrieve the information from the line card and pass it on to the RP. This resulted in an increase in the SNMP response time. The background synchronization process slowly synchronizes the data between the line card and the RP. Therefore, when SNMP queries are sent to the Cisco CMTS, the Cisco CMTS returns the SNMP data from the RP. IPC requests are not sent to retrieve the data, thereby improving the SNMP performance.

In Cisco cBR Series routers, SNMP background synchronization features provides periodic background synchronization of DOCSIS MIB data from line card to Supervisor in order to improve the performance of the SNMP polling of these MIB tables. It is based on raw socket and uses TCP protocol.

The background synchronization process is enabled by default on the Cisco cBR-8, Cisco uBR10012, and Cisco 7200 Series routers.

For more information about the MIB objects that are synchronized during background synchronization, see the Cisco CMTS Universal Broadband Router Series MIB Specifications Guide 12.2SC. and Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers Troubleshooting and Network Management Configuration Guide.


The following example shows how to deactivate the background synchronization process on the Cisco CMTS:

Router# configure terminalRouter(config)# no cable bgsync activeRouter(config)#

Related Commands



cable bgsync

Sets the data intervals for background synchronization on the Cisco CMTS.

show cable bgsync

Displays the information on the background synchronization process, on the Cisco CMTS.

clear cable bgsync counters

Clears the background synchronization counters on the Cisco CMTS.

cable bonding-group-id

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (13)


Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCE, the cable bonding-group-id command is replaced by the cable bonding-group-secondary command. See the cable bonding-group-secondary command for more information.

To specify a Bonding Group ID and indicate whether the bonding group is a primary or secondary bonded channel, use the cable bonding-group-id command in wideband-cable interface configuration mode. To remove a bonding group configuration and revert to the default bonding group (a primary bonding group), use the no form of this command.

cable bonding-group-id id_num [secondary]

no cable bonding-group-id id_num [secondary]

Syntax Description


A unique Bonding Group ID. Valid values are 1 to 255. The bonding group ID must be unique for each wideband channel on the CMTS.


Specifies that the bonding group is a secondary bonding group. If the secondary keyword is not used, the bonding group is a primary bonding group.

Command Default

If the cable bonding-group-id command is not issued, Cisco IOS software assigns a default ID to the bonding group and configures the wideband-channel cable interface as a primary bonding group.

Command Modes

Interface configuration mode for a wideband-cable interface (config-if)

Command History




This command was introduced for the Cisco uBR10012 router.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA. Support for the Cisco uBR7225VXR router was added.


This command was replaced with the cable bonding-group-secondary command.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

The cable bonding-group-id command is not needed for the wideband channels that will be received by the Scientific Atlanta DPC2505 or EPC2505 wideband cable modems.

The cable bonding-group-id command is used only for wideband channels that will be received by the Linksys WCM300-NA, WCM300-EURO, or WCM300-JP wideband cable modems.

Linksys WCM300 Cable Modem

For wideband channels that will be received by the Linksys WCM300-NA, WCM300-EURO, and WCM300-JP cable modems, the cable bonding-group-id command assigns a Bonding Group ID to a wideband-channel cable interface and configures the bonding group as a primary bonding group if the secondary keyword is not specified, or as a secondary bonding group if the secondary keyword is specified.

  • A primary bonding group is a primary bonded channel.
  • A secondary bonding group is a secondary bonded channel.

The primary bonded channel is the wideband channel on which the Linksys WCM300 modem receives all of its unicast traffic and some of its multicast traffic. The cable modem may identify the primary bonded channel and any secondary bonded channels to the CMTS at cable modem registration time. The DOCSIS configuration file may define the primary bonded channel for the CMTS to assign to the cable modem.

In addition to joining one primary bonded channel, the Linksys WCM300 may join up to two secondary bonded channels simultaneously in order to receive additional data streams. The DOCSIS configuration file may define the secondary bonded channels for the modem to pass to the CMTS. Secondary bonded channels are intended to receive multicast traffic such as broadcast video that is not available on the primary bonded channel.

For information on the TLV encodings that can be used in the DOCSIS configuration file to identify primary and secondary bonded channels, see the Cisco Cable Wideband Solution Design and Implementation Guide, Release 1.0 .

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (14)


If a wideband channel is specified as a primary or secondary bonded channel in the DOCSIS configuration file, it must be identically defined as a primary or secondary bonded channel in the CMTS active, running configuration file.
  • If a wideband channel is configured with the cable bonding-group-id command or by default to be a primary bonded channel, the Linksys WCM300 modem will not register using it as one of its secondary bonded channels.
  • If a wideband channel is configured with the cable bonding-group-id command to be a secondary bonded channel, the Linksys WCM300 modem will not register using it as its primary bonded channel.
Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (15)


When a wideband channel is defined on a Wideband SPA, Cisco IOS software configures the wideband channel as a primary bonding group (primary bonded channel) and assigns a default ID to the bonding group. If a wideband channel is to be used as a secondary bonded channel, use the cable bonding-group-id command with the secondary keyword to specify that the channel is a secondary bonded channel.

If you specify a non-unique Bonding Group ID for the id_num argument, cable bonding-group-id displays an error message and does not modify the ID.


The following examples show how to use the cable bonding-group-id command for a variety of purposes. The following cable bonding-group-id command specifies that wideband channel 10 on the Wideband SPA in slot/subslot/bay 1/0/1 will be a secondary bonding group (secondary bonded channel) having the bonding group ID 20.

Router# configure terminal Router(config)# interface wideband-cable 1/0/1:10 Router(config-if)# cable bonding-group-id 20 secondary 

The following example shows how to change a bonding group with an ID of 20 from a secondary to a primary bonding group by omitting the secondary keyword:

Router(config-if)# cable bonding-group-id 20 

The no form of the cable bonding-group-id removes the configured bonding group and reverts the configuration to the default bonding group. For a secondary bonding group with the ID of 20, the following no forms of the command are equivalent:

Router(config-if)# no cable bonding-group-id 20 


Router(config-if)# no cable bonding-group-id 20 secondary When either of the preceding commands are issued, the wideband-channel cable interface is configured to use a default bonding group, which has a default bonding group ID assigned by Cisco IOS software and is a primary bonding group.

Related Commands




Enters interface configuration mode.

cable bonding-group-secondary

To specify a bonding group as a secondary bonded channel, use the cable bonding-group-secondary command in wideband-cable interface configuration mode. To remove the bonding group configuration and revert to the default bonding group (a primary bonding group), use the no form of this command.

cable bonding-group-secondary

no cable bonding-group-secondary

Command Default

If the cable bonding-group-secondary command is not issued, Cisco IOS software configures the wideband-channel cable interface as the primary bonding group.

Command Modes

Interface configuration—cable interface only (config-if)

Wideband-interface profile configuration (config-profile-wb)

Command History




This command was introduced for the Cisco uBR-MC3GX60V cable interface line card.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

Starting with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCE, the cable bonding-group-secondary command replaces the cable bonding-group-id command. If you upgrade from an earlier Cisco IOS Release to Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCE and later, the cable bonding-group-id command will no longer change the bonding-group ID.

The cable bonding-group-secondary command is used only for wideband channels that are received by the Linksys WCM300-NA, WCM300-EURO, or WCM300-JP wideband cable modems.

Linksys WCM300 Cable Modem

For wideband channels that are received by the Linksys WCM300-NA, WCM300-EURO, and WCM300-JP cable modems, the show controllers Modular-Cable slot /subslot /controller wideband command displays the bonding group ID of a wideband-channel cable interface and the cable bonding-group-secondary command configures the bonding group as a secondary bonding group.

The primary bonded channel is the wideband channel on which the Linksys WCM300 modem receives all of its unicast traffic and some of its multicast traffic. The cable modem identifies the primary bonded channel and any secondary bonded channels to the CMTS at cable modem registration time. The DOCSIS configuration file defines the primary bonded channel for the CMTS to assign to the cable modem.

In addition to joining one primary bonded channel, the Linksys WCM300 joins up to two secondary bonded channels simultaneously in order to receive additional data streams. The DOCSIS configuration file defines the secondary bonded channels for the modem to pass to the CMTS. Secondary bonded channels are intended to receive multicast traffic such as broadcast video that is not available on the primary bonded channel.

For information on the TLV encodings that can be used in the DOCSIS configuration file to identify primary and secondary bonded channels, see Cisco Cable Wideband Solution Design and Implementation Guide, Release 1.0 .

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (16)


If a wideband channel is specified as a primary or secondary bonded channel in the DOCSIS configuration file, it must be identically defined as a primary or secondary bonded channel in the CMTS active, running configuration file.

The following points list the restrictions for configuring the wideband channel with the cable bonding-group-secondary command:

  • If a wideband channel is not configured with the cable bonding-group-secondary command, the Linksys WCM300 modem may not use it as a secondary bonding group.
  • If a wideband channel is configured with the cable bonding-group-secondary command to be a secondary bonded channel, the Linksys WCM300 modem may not use it as a primary bonded group.
Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (17)


When a wideband channel is defined, the Cisco IOS software configures the wideband channel as a primary bonding group (primary bonded channel) and assigns a default ID to the bonding group. If a wideband channel is to be used as a secondary bonded channel, use the cable bonding-group-secondary command to specify that the channel is a secondary bonded channel.


The following example shows how to use the cable bonding-group-secondary command:

Router# configure terminal Router(config)# interface wideband-cable 1/0/1:10 Router(config-if)# cable bonding-group-secondary

Related Commands




Enters interface configuration mode.

cable cache-snmp active

To enable the cache mechanism, use cable cache-snmp active command in global configuration mode. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

cable cache-snmp active

no cable cache-snmp active

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The cache mechanism is active by default.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

By default, the SNMP cache feature is activated. It can be enabled or disabled globally using the cable cache-snmp active command. It cannot be enabled or disabled per table currently. You can turn cache off if their polling strategy does not suit the cache principle so that cache will help on a sequential polling.


The following example shows how to enable the cache mechanism:

Router#configure terminalRouter(config)#cable cache-snmp activeRouter(config)# 

cable channel-group

To configure the channel group, use the cable channel-group command in global configuration mode. To disable the channel group, use the no form of the command.

cable channel-group group-id

no cable channel-group group-id

Syntax Description


Channel group ID. The range is from 1 to 1000.

Command Default

Channel group is not configured.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.


The following example shows how to configure a channel group:

Router# configure terminalRouter(config)# cable channel-group 1Router(config-ch-group)# upstream Cable 7/1/0 channel 0-3Router(config-ch-group)# downstream Modular-Cable 7/1/0 rf-channel 0-15Router(config-ch-group)# cmc 0010.2024.7035

Related Commands



show cable channel-group

Displays the channel group information.

upstream cable channel

Configures the upstream cable channel for a channel group.

downstream modular-cable rf-channel (channel group)

Configures the downstream modular cable RF channel for a channel group.


Configures the CiscoCoaxial Media Converter (CMC).

cable clock clear-counters

To reset the counters that are displayed with the show controllers clock-reference command, use the cable clock clear-counters command in privileged EXEC mode.

cable clock clear-counters

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was supported on the EC train for the Cisco uBR7246VXR router.


This command was supported for the TCC+ card on Cisco uBR10012 routers.


Support for this command was added to the Release 12.2 BC train for the Cisco uBR7246VXR and Cisco uBR10012 routers.


This command is supported only for standalone (freerun) mode.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

This command resets any counters that were displayed from the last time the show controllers clock-reference command was used.

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (18)


This command is not supported on the SC train.

This command supports the Cisco CMTS clock feature set, which provides a synchronized clock for improved Voice-over-IP (VoIP) operations. The clock feature set requires one of the following configurations:

  • A Cisco uBR10012 router with one or two TCC+ cards that are connected to an external national clock source.
Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (19)


Beginning in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(23)BC, TCC+ is replaced with the DOCSIS Timing and Control Card (DTCC) and does not require to be connected to an extenal national clock source.
  • A Cisco uBR7246 VXR router using a Cisco uBR-MC16S, Cisco uBR-MC16E, Cisco uBR-MC28C, or Cisco uBR-MC28C-BNC cable interface line card. The router must also be equipped with a Cisco cable clock card and be running Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1a)T1, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)EC1, or a later release. The Cisco cable clock card should be connected to an external national clock source.

Only these cable interface cards support the external clock card reference from a clock card to distribute that signal to CMs or set-top boxes (STBs) attached to the specific network segments. You can use other cable interface cards, such as the Cisco uBR-MC16C, with the clock card, but these other cable interfaces will not synchronize their downstream SYNC messages with the external clock source.

Each CM or STB must also support VoIP applications and the clock feature set. For example, the Cisco uBR924, running Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T or later releases, supports the clock card feature automatically.

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (20)


The show controllers clock-reference command might display compare errors on the Cisco uBR10012 router because there could be a slight delay at system startup before the clock cards synchronize with each other. These initial compare errors can be ignored and cleared with the cable clock clear-counters command.


The following example shows how to reset all counters that are displayed for the clock card:

Router# cable clock clear-counters

Related Commands



show controllers clock-reference

Displays the cable clock card’s hardware information.

cable clock dti

To configure the DOCSIS Timing Interface (DTI) clock reference mode, use the cable clock dti command in global configuration mode. To terminate the DTI clock referemce mode and restart the standalone mode, use the no form of the command.

cable clock dti

no cable clock dti

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

Standalone mode

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced for the Cisco uBR10012 router.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCB. Support for the Cisco uBR7225VXR router was added.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure DTI clocking mode.

This command may be stored in NVRAM as part of the DOCSIS Timing and Control Card (DTCC) configuration on the Cisco uBR10012 and Cisco uBR7225VXR routers.

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (21)


When the cable clock dti command or its no form is used to configure the DTI clock reference mode, the DTCC card on the Cisco uBR10012 router restarts and the cable modems may re-initialize or re-register.


Router# configure terminalRouter(config)# cable clock dti

Related Commands



show cable clock dti

Displays DTI information.

cable clock dti clear-counters

To reset the counters that are displayed with the show cable clock dti counters command in DOCSIS Timing Interface (DTI) mode, use the cable clock dti clear-counters command in privileged EXEC mode.

cable clock dti clear-counters slot/subslot

Syntax Description


Specifies the slot and subslot location of the DTCC ports. Valid values are 1/1 or 2/1.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced on the Cisco uBR10012 router .


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCB. Support for the Cisco uBR7225VXR router was added.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

This command resets any counters that were displayed from the last time the show cable clock dti client command was used in DTI mode.

This command supports the Cisco CMTS clock feature set, which provides a synchronized clock for improved Voice-over-IP (VoIP) operations.


The following example shows how to reset all counters that are displayed for the clock card:

Router# cable clock dti clear-counters

Related Commands



show cable clock dti counters

Displays the cable clock card’s hardware information.

cable clock force

To select the external timing source when the clock card is in holdover mode, use the cable clock force command in global configuration mode. To disable the selection and return to the default, use the no form of this command.

cable clock force {primary | secondary}

no cable clock force

Syntax Description


Forces the primary source to act as the clock reference.


Forces the secondary source to act as the clock reference.

Command Default

The clock card automatically uses the primary external source, if available. If the primary source fails, the clock card enters holdover mode and, after a few seconds, switches to the secondary external source. The clock card switches back to the primary source when it becomes available.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)EC1.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

This command overrides the default behavior of the clock card when the clock card is in holdover mode. If the clock card is not in holdover mode, this command is ignored. You cannot force the reference to a port if the clock card is in free-running mode.

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (22)


This command is not applicable on the SC train.
Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (23)


The clock card enters holdover mode if the forced reference is lost, even if the other external reference is available.

To support the clock feature set in VoIP configurations, a Cisco uBR7246 VXR chassis, equipped with a clock card; and a Cisco uBR-MC16S, a Cisco uBR-MC16E, or a Cisco uBR-MC28C cable interface line card must be used running Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1a)T1 or later releases. Only these cable interface line cards support the external clock card reference from a clock card to distribute that signal to CMs or set-top boxes (STBs) attached to the specific network segments. You can use other cable interface cards, such as the Cisco uBR-MC16C, with the clock card, but these other cable interfaces will not synchronize their downstream SYNC messages with the external clock source.

Each CM or STB must also support VoIP applications and the clock feature set. For example, the Cisco uBR924, running Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T or later releases, supports the clock card feature automatically.


The following example shows how to force the timing reference for the cable clock card to come from the secondary external source, when the clock card is in holdover mode:

Router(config)# cable clock force secondary

Related Commands



show cable clock

Displays status information for the cable clock card.

show controllers clock-reference

Displays hardware information, register values, and current counters for the cable clock card.

cable clock source-midplane

To make the midplane time-division multiplexing (TDM) clock the primary timing reference for the clock card, use the cable clock source-midplane command in global configuration mode. To disable the selection and return to the default, use the no form of this command.

cable clock source-midplane

no cable clock source-midplane

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

The clock card does not get its timing reference from the midplane TDM clock.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)EC1.


This command was integrated into Cisco OS Release 12.3BC.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

Because the clock card automatically provides the timing reference to the midplane TDM clock, the midplane cannot in turn act as the reference for the clock card. This means that the cable clock source-midplane command does not take effect unless a port adapter is configured as the primary clock reference source for the midplane.

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (24)


This command is not applicable on the SC train.

To support the clock feature set in VoIP configurations, a Cisco uBR7246 VXR chassis, equipped with a clock card; and a Cisco uBR-MC16S, a Cisco uBR-MC16E, or a Cisco uBR-MC28C cable interface line card must be used running Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1a)T1 or higher releases. Only these cable interface line cards support the external clock card reference from a clock card to distribute that signal to CMs or set-top boxes (STBs) attached to the specific network segments. You can use other cable interface cards, such as the Cisco uBR-MC16C, with the clock card, but these other cable interfaces will not synchronize their downstream SYNC messages with the external clock source.

Each CM or STB must also support VoIP applications and the clock feature set. The Cisco uBR924, running Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T or later releases, supports the clock card feature automatically.


The following example shows how to set the primary clock reference to the midplane TDM clock:

Router(config)# cable clock source-midplane 

Related Commands



show cable clock

Displays status information for the cable clock card.

cable clock upgrade

To upgrade the Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) image manually on the DOCSIS Timing & Control Card (DTCC), use the cable clock upgrade command in privileged EXEC mode.

cable clock upgrade slot/subslot

Syntax Description


Chassis slot number of the DTCC card. The valid slot is 1.


Secondary slot number of the DTCC card. Valid subslots are 1 or 2.

Command Default

No default behaviors or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33) SCC and later, you can manually upgrade the FPGA image only if a single DTCC card is installed on the Cisco uBR 10012 router. If the manual upgrade fails or is interrupted, the DTCC card may become unusable. Do not reset or unplug the DTCC card during the manual upgrade. We recommend that you take precaution against extended downtime if the FPGA upgrade fails unexpectedly by having a standby DTCC card installed on the Cisco uBR10012 router.

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (25)


You will have to enter y (yes ) when the system prompts you to continue the manual upgrade.


The following example shows how to start the manual FPGA upgrade process on the DTCC card:

Router# cable clock upgrade 1/1

Related Commands



cable clock dti

Configures the DOCSIS Timing Interface (DTI) clock reference mode.

cable cm-status

To configure the values of the “Event Holdoff Timer” and “Number of Reports per Event” parameters for the cable modem (CM) status events, use the cable cm-status command in global configuration mode. To revert to the default values, use the no form of this command.

cable cm-status {all | event} [holdoff {timer | default} | reports {reportvalue | default}]

no cable cm-status

Syntax Description


Specifies all CM status events.


Type of CM status event.


(Optional) Sets the CM status event holdoff timer. The holdoff units are defined in milliseconds. The timer value increments by 20 milliseconds.

  • timer —Holdoff timer value. The valid range is from 1 to 65535 milliseconds. The default value is 500 milliseconds.

  • default —Specifies the default value of 500 milliseconds.


(Optional) Sets the value for the number of reports per event.

  • reportvalue —Report value. The valid range is from 0 to 255. The default value is 5.

  • default —Specifies the default value of 5.

Command Default

Default values are used for the “Event Holdoff Timer” and “Number of Reports per Event” parameters.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

IOS XE 17.3.1z

The default value was updated.

Usage Guidelines

The cable cm-status command updates the event table for the MAC Domain Descriptor (MDD) belonging to a primary channel. The help text of the command provides a mapping of an event type to the corresponding integer.

The ten CM status events are:

  1. Secondary channel MDD time-out

  2. QAM/FEC lock failure

  3. Sequence out-of-range

  4. MDD recovery

  5. QAM/FEC lock recovery

  6. T4 time-out

  7. T3 re-tries exceeded

  8. Successful ranging after T3 re-tries exceeded

  9. CM operating on battery backup

  10. CM returned to A/C power

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (26)


The CM-STATUS message event ‘sequence out of range’ is enabled and supported on the Cisco Wideband SPA from Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCE5 onwards. When the Cisco CMTS receives the ‘sequence out of range’ event, it toggles the sequence-change-count (SCC) bit for each of the indicated downstream service identifiers (DSIDs).


The following example shows how to configure an event holdoff timer of 100 milliseconds and four reports per event for all CM-STATUS events:

Router# configure terminalRouter(config)# cable cm-status all holdoff 100 reports 4

The following example shows how to configure the CM status event “MDD recovery” with an event holdoff timer of 150 milliseconds and three reports for the event:

Router# configure terminalRouter(config)# cable cm-status 4 holdoff 150 reports 3

Related Commands



cable cm-status enable

Enables a CM status event or a group of CM status events on a primary cable interface.

cable cm-status enable

To enable a CM status event or a group of CM status events on a primary cable interface, use the cable cm-status enable command in interface configuration mode or MAC domain profile configuration mode. To disable a particular event on a primary cable interface, use the no form of this command.

cable cm-status enable range

no cable cm-status

Syntax Description


Specifies the CM status events you want to enable on a primary cable interface. The valid range is 1 to 10. You can enable a single event by specifying the event number or a group of events by specifying a range (for example, 1-9).

The following events are enabled by default on a cable or modular cable interface on the Cisco uBR10012 and Cisco uBR7200 series routers:

  • Secondary channel MDD time-out

  • QAM/FEC lock failure

  • Sequence out of range

  • MDD recovery

  • QAM/FEC lock recovery


The default events are not displayed in the output of the show running-config interface cable command.

Command Default

The downstream related events such as secondary channel MDD time-out, QAM/FEC lock failure, Sequence out of range, MDD recovery, and QAM/FEC lock recovery are enabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

MAC domain profile configuration (config-profile-md)

Command History




This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

IOS XE Fuji 16.7.1

This command was modified to support MAC domain profile configuration on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

This command applies to all non-primary RF channels on a CMTS.

The ten CM status events per interface on the Cisco uBR10012 and Cisco uBR7200 series routers are:

  • 1—Secondary channel MDD time-out

  • 2—QAM/FEC lock failure

  • 3—Sequence out of range

  • 4—MDD recovery

  • 5— QAM/FEC lock recovery

  • 6—T4 time-out

  • 7— T3 re-tries exceeded

  • 8— Successful ranging after T3 re-tries exceeded

  • 9— CM operating on battery backup

  • 10— CM returned to A/C power

The six CM status events per interface on the Cisco cBR series routers are:

  • 3—Sequence out of range

  • 6—T4 time-out

  • 7—T3 re-tries exceeded

  • 8— Successful ranging after T3 re-tries exceeded

  • 9—CM operating on battery backup

  • 10— CM returned to A/C power

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (27)


If the no form of the command is executed on the interface for specific events, then the show running-config interface command lists the events only that are enabled. If no events are enabled then, the show running interface cable command displays no cable cm-stauts enable with the events.


The following example shows how to enable all CM status events on a primary cable interface:

Router# configure terminalRouter(config)# interface cable 8/0/0Router(config-if)# cable cm-status enable 1-10

The following example shows the no cable cm-status enable command being configured and the corresponding example shows show running-config interface command output:

Router(config)# interface cable 8/0/0Router(config-if)# cable cm-status enable 1-10Router(config-if)# no cable cm-status enable 1-2 4-5Router(config-if) exitRouter# show running-config interface cable 8/0/0Building configuration...Current configuration : 1557 bytes!interface Cable8/0/0 shutdown cable cm-status enable 3 6-10 no cable packet-cache cable default-phy-burst 0 cable map-advance dynamic 300 500 cable bundle 1 cable downstream channel-id 145

The following example shows the show running-config interface cable command output when no events are enabled on the CMTS:

Router# show running-config interface cable 8/0/0Building configuration...Current configuration : 1558 bytes!interface Cable8/0/0 shutdown no cable cm-status enable 1-10 no cable packet-cache cable default-phy-burst 0 cable map-advance dynamic 300 500 cable bundle 1 cable downstream channel-id 145 cable downstream annex B cable downstream modulation 256qam cable downstream interleave-depth 32 cable downstream frequency 555000000 cable downstream rf-shutdown cable upstream max-ports 4 no cable upstream 0 connector cable upstream 0 frequency 40000000 cable upstream 0 channel-width 3200000 3200000 cable upstream 0 power-level 26 cable upstream 0 docsis-mode tdma-atdma cable upstream 0 minislot-size 4 --More--

Related Commands



show cable modem

Displays information for the registered and unregistered CMs.

cable cmc

To configure the downstream RF power or Forward Optical Receiver Module (FRx) for the CiscoCoaxial Media Converter (CMC), use the cable cmc command in global configuration mode. To disable the configuration, use the no form of the command.

cable cmc mac-address {ds-rf-power power [tilt tilt-value ] | frx {att att-value | eq eq-value}}

no cable cmc mac-address { ds-rf-power | frx {att | eq}}

Syntax Description


MAC address of the CiscoCMC.


Specifies the RF power for downstream channels on the CiscoCMC.


RF power in dBmV. The valid range is from 35 to 62. RF power is specified in the format xy.z, where z is 0.

tilt tilt-value

(Optional) Sets the tilt equalization value for downstream channel RF power on the CiscoCMC. The default value is 9 dB.

tilt-value —Tilt equalization can be set to one of the following values:

  • -15dB —Sets the tilt equalization value to -15 dB.

  • -12dB —Sets the tilt equalization value to -12 dB.

  • -9dB —Sets the tilt equalization value to -9 dB.

  • -6dB —Sets the tilt equalization value to -6 dB.

  • -3dB —Sets the tilt equalization value to -3 dB.

  • 0dB —Sets the tilt equalization value to 0 dB.


Configures FRx on the CiscoCMC.

att att-value

Specifies the attenuation value in dB.

  • att-value —Attenuation value. The valid range is from 0 to 10.

eq eq-value

Sets the equalization value in dB.

  • eq-value —Equalization value. The valid range is from 3 to 15.

Command Default

Downstream RF power and FRx are not configured on the CiscoCMC.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)CX

This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

The cable cmc command configures the resource sharing between the CiscoCMCs in a channel group based on the MAC address.

The valid downstream RF power value is based on the number of active downstream RF channels on the CiscoCMC. If the configured downstream RF power value for a specific number of downstream RF channels is out of the valid range, the downstream RF power is adjusted according to the number of active downstream RF channels on the CiscoCMC and a warning message is displayed.

We recommend that you use the following downstream RF power values based on the number of active downstream RF channels:

Table 1. Recommended Downstream RF Power Values

Number of Downstream RF Channels

Recommended RF Power Values


50 dBmV to 6 2dBmV


46 dBmV to 58 dBmV


44 dBmV to 56 dBmV


42 dBmV to 54 dBmV


41 dBmV to 53 dBmV


40 dBmV to 52 dBmV


39 dBmV to 51 dBmV


39 dBmV to 51 dBmV


38 dBmV to 50 dBmV


38 dBmV to 50 dBmV


37 dBmV to 49 dBmV


37 dBmV to 49 dBmV


36 dBmV to 48 dBmV


36 dBmV to 48 dBmV


35 dBmV to 47 dBmV


35 dBmV to 47 dBmV


The following example shows how to configure RF power for downstream channel on the CiscoCMC with a tilt equalization value of 0 dB:

Router# configure terminalRouter(config)# cable cmc 0001.0002.0003 ds-rf-power 35 tilt 0dB

The following example shows how to configure FRx for the CiscoCMC with an attenuation value of 6 dB:

Router# configure terminalRouter(config)# cable cmc 0001.0002.0003 frx att 6

The following example shows how to configure FRx for the CiscoCMC with an equalization value of 3 dB:

Router# configure terminalRouter(config)# cable cmc 0001.0002.0003 frx eq 3

Related Commands



clear cable cmc

Clears the information on the CiscoCMC.

show cable cmc

Displays the CiscoCMC information.

cable cmc image_upgrade

To upgrade the CiscoCMC image , use the cable cmc image_upgrade command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable the upgrade, use the no form of the command.

cable cmc mac-address image_upgrade

no cable cmc mac-address image_upgrade

Syntax Description


MAC address of the CiscoCMC.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)CX

This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

Before upgrading the CiscoCMC image through the Cisco CMTS, you must specify the TFTP or FTP server address and the full file path in the DHCP server.


The following example shows how to upgrade the CiscoCMC image:

Router> enableRouter# cable cmc 0001.0002.0003 image_upgrade

cable cmcpe-list valid-time

To set the length of time that a CMTS router will consider the current list of CM and CPE devices to be valid, use the cable cmcpe-list valid-time command in global configuration mode. To reset the time period to its default value of 3 minutes, use the no form of this command.

cable cmcpe-list valid-time time

no cable cmcpe-list valid-time

Syntax Description


Specifies the time period, in seconds, that the Cisco CMTS router should consider the current CM/CPE list to be valid. In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)BC1 and earlier releases, the valid range is 0 to 3600 seconds, with a default value of 180 seconds (3 minutes). In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)BC2 and later releases, the valid range is 0 to 86400 seconds, with a default value of 900 seconds (15 minutes).

Command Default

180 seconds (3 minutes)—Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)BC1 and earlier releases

900 seconds (15 minutes)—Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)BC2 and later releases

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



12.0(15)SC1, 12.1(8)EC1,

This command was introduced for the Cisco uBR7100 series and Cisco uBR7200 series routers.


This command was supported on the 12.2 BC train for the Cisco uBR10012 router.


The maximum range for time was expanded from 3600 to 86400 seconds, and the default was changed from 180 to 900 seconds.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3BC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA. Support for the Cisco uBR7225VXR router was added.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

The Cisco CMTS router maintains an internal list of cable modems and CPE devices that were connected on its cable interfaces in the last 24 hours. This list does not capture cable modems and CPE devices that were connected before the last 24 hours.

The CMTS router uses this list to provide the data for various show commands and to respond to SNMP requests that query the entries in the cdxCmCpeTable table in the CISCO-DOCS-EXT-MIB MIB.

By default, the Cisco CMTS router uses the current list if it is less than 3 minutes old. If the current list is older than 3 minutes, the Cisco CMTS router considers it invalid and rebuilds a new list. This prevents the CMTS router from having to build a new list for every query, which could impact system performance.

You can use the cable cmcpe-list valid-time command to change the length of time that the CMTS router considers the current CM and CPE device list to be valid. This allows you to find the optimum time value that provides the most current information without affecting the number of CPU cycles that are available for network processing.

A smaller time period ensures that the CM and CPE device list is more current but it requires more processing time to maintain the list. A longer time period reduces the load on the processor but the CM/CPE list might not be current.

If CPU usage dramatically increases when performing SNMP queries of the cdxCmCpeTable table, use this command to increase the valid list time so that the Cisco CMTS router does not have to rebuild the CM/CPE list more often than needed to respond to the queries.

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (28)


To find the current valid list time, use the show running-config command and look for the cable cmcpe-list valid-time command in the output. If the command does not appear, the valid list time is set for its default value.


The following example shows how to set the valid list time to 60 seconds (1 minute):

Router(config)# cable cmcpe-list valid-time 60

The following example shows how to find the current valid list time setting:

Router# show running-config | include cmcpe-list cable cmcpe-list valid-time 60

Related Commands



show cable modem

Displays information for the registered and unregistered CMs.

cable cmts-id

To configure the CMTS ID for the Cisco CMTS, use the cable cmts-id command in global configuration mode. To set the CMTS ID to its default value, use the no form of this command.

cable cmts-id cmts-id

no cable cmts-id cmts-id

Syntax Description


CMTS ID for the Cisco CMTS. The range is from 0 to 16383. The default is 8191.

Command Default

CMTS ID is 8191.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Release Modification

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

This configuration allows you to define the value for the CMTS ID portion of Gate IDs. The CMTS ID value is the 13 least significant bits (0-12) of the Gate ID.


The following example shows how to configure the CMTS ID:

Router(config)# cable cmts-id 9000

Related Commands



show cable cmts-id

Displays the configured CMTS ID.

cable config-file

To create a configuration filename for a Cisco CMTS router internal CM configuration file, use thecable config-file command in global configuration mode. To delete the configuration filename, use theno form of this command.

cable config-file filename

no cable config-file filename

Syntax Description


Specifies the configuration filename to create and edit.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)BC1.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3BC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA. Support for the Cisco uBR7225VXR router was added.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

A DOCSIS CMTS router automatically downloads a DOCSIS configuration file to a CM during its initial registration procedure. The DOCSIS configuration file configures the CM for its network operations and includes information such as the maximum number of CPE devices that are supported, the quality of service (QoS) options provided for the CM, and whether the CM should upgrade to a new software image.

The DOCSIS specification defines the format of the DOCSIS configuration files, which can be created by any number of tools. In addition to the other tools that Cisco provides for this purpose, the cable config-file command can be used to create the DOCSIS configuration files needed for your network. These configuration files are stored in the Flash memory on the Cisco CMTS router and can be automatically downloaded to the CM as needed.

The cable config-file command creates the DOCSIS configuration file if it does not already exist and then enters config-file configuration mode. You can then give one of the following subcommands to create the configuration file:
  • access-denied

  • channel-id

  • cpe max

  • download

  • frequency

  • option

  • privacy

  • service-class

  • snmp manager

  • timestamp

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (29)


When a DOCSIS shared secret is configured on the downstream interface (see the cable shared-secret command ), the cable config-file command automatically inserts the appropriate MD5 Message Integrity Check (MIC) value at the end of the dynamically generated DOCSIS configuration file. You do not need to specify the DOCSIS shared secret string with the cable config-file command.

After using the cable config-file subcommands, enter the exit command to leave config-file mode and to save the configuration file in the Flash memory. After a configuration file is created, it also appears in the running-configuration file. To delete a configuration file and remove it from Flash memory, use the no cable config-file command

To allow CMs to download the configuration files, you must also enable the router’s onboard TFTP server, using the tftp-server configuration command. Unless you are running on a small lab network, you should also remove the default limit of 10 TFTP sessions by using the service udp-small-serves max-servers no limit command.

In addition, the following commands are also recommended:
  • cable time-server - Enables the Cisco CMTS router to function as a time-of-day (ToD) server.

  • ip dhcp pool - Configures the Cisco CMTS router as a DHCP server. Otherwise, you need an external DHCP server.

  • ip dhcp ping packets 0 - Improves the scalability of the Cisco CMTS router DHCP server.

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (30)


For complete information on DOCSIS configuration files, see Appendix C in the DOCSIS 1.1 Radio Frequency (RF) Interface Specification, available on the DOCSIS Cable Labs official web site at


The following example shows two DOCSIS configuration files being configured. The first configuration file allows each CM to have up to four CPE devices and configures the QoS parameters for its traffic. The second configuration file denies network access to the CM and its CPE devices.

Router# configure terminal Router(config)# cable config-file Router(config-file)# cpe max 4 Router(config-file)# service-class 1 priority 2 Router(config-file)# service-class 1 max-upstream 128 Router(config-file)# service-class 1 max-downstream 1000 Router(config-file)# timestamp Router(config-file)# exit Router(config)# cable config-file Router(config-file)# access-denied Router(config-file)# exit Router(config)# 

The following is a portion of a typical Cisco IOS configuration file that shows the above two DOCSIS configuration files, as well as a typical DHCP server configuration:

Router# show running-config ...service udp-small-servers max-servers no-limit!cable time-server!cable config-file cpe max 4 service-class 1 priority 2 service-class 1 max-upstream 128 service-class 1 max-downstream 1000 timestamp cable config-file access-denied!ip dhcp pool modems-c3 network bootfile next-server default-router option 7 ip option 4 ip option 2 hex 0000.0000!... 

Related Commands



cable config-file

Creates a DOCSIS configuration file and enters configuration file mode.


Disables access to the network.


Specifies upstream channel ID.

cpe max

Specifies the maximum number of CPE devices allowed access.

debug cable config-file

Displays information about the DOCSIS configuration files that are generated by the internal DOCSIS configuration file editor.


Specifies the filename and server IP address for downloading a new software image.


Specifies the downstream frequency.


Specifies options for the configuration file that are not provided for by the other commands.


Specifies privacy options for baseline privacy images.


Specifies service class definitions for the configuration file.

snmp manager

Specifies Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) options.


Enables time-stamp generation.

show running-config

Displays the current run-time configuration, which includes any configuration files that have been defined.

show startup-config

Displays the current saved configuration, which includes any configuration files that have been defined and saved.

cable controller-profile

To enable I-CMTS controller profile configuration, use the cable controller-profile I-CMTS enable command in global configuration mode.

Post configuring the cable controller-profile I-CMTS enable command, total chassis only supports Profile based controller configuration. Once enabled, it cannot rollback.

cable controller-profile I-CMTS enable

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.7.1

This command is introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

i-CMTS controllers are configured using legacy controller configuration commands by default. If you want to use i-CMTS controller profile, then you must enable it first.


The following example shows how to enable i-CMTS controller profile configuration:

Router# configure terminalRouter(config)# cable controller-profile I-CMTS enable

Related Commands



cable downstream controller-profile

Enters downstream controller profile configuration mode.

cable upstream controller-profile

Enters upstream controller profile configuration mode.

Cisco CMTS Cable Command Reference  - Cable Commands: cable a through cable c  [Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers] (2024)
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